Natural structure. Series of works constructed with wood found in the forests and shores of Lake Huillinco, carved and cooked in boiling water, stainless steel rivets. Variable dimensions. 2001 Artespacio gallery, Santiago, Chile.
The exhibition titled ‘Natural Structure’ was conceived for exhibition at ArteEspacio gallery, and the works built were realized and laid out in relation to the physical space of the Gallery.
The basic principle underlying the construction of these pieces—which remit one to domestic objects and forms of nature—is linked to the building system characteristic of the Archipelago of Chiloé in southern Chile.
These construction systems date from far back in time and are rooted in the indigenous cultures of the archipelago where, until today, domestic objects, tools, machinery, boats, etc. are being produced in the old tradition. This is why it is still possible to discover there construction systems as rich as the basketry and warping traditions based on vegetable fibers, or the coastline carpentry used in the construction of maritime vessels on the coast.
Both systems and their processes were investigated and used in the development and conception of this exhibition.
This research and production project was possible thanks to funding from the National Fund for the Development of the Arts, Fondart.
Photo Credits: Álvaro Mardones