The revolution of the spinning-top 2. 10 volumes built with 12 mm diameter steel bars welded and red lacquered. 2014. New access to carriel Sur airport, Concepción, Chile.
The fact that the location is a traffic circle establishes a priori a situation that is very important, the visualization of the work is basically of the observer who moves in a vehicle is in relation to that mobile viewer that the work raises visual readings that vary in the measure of the movement, since the volumes are “appearing” and “disappearing”, and in turn intertwining graphically in space, as if they were threads or a graphic skein of large dimensions.
Some of these pieces are installed horizontally and others diagonally, so as not to visually produce a “ceiling” in the sculptural ensemble, but to produce different visual “topologies”, reaching in some pieces a height of approximately 7 meters.
Some of these pieces are installed horizontally and others diagonally, so as not to visually produce a “ceiling” in the sculptural ensemble, but to produce different visual “topologies”, reaching in some pieces a height of approximately 7 meters.
About the work: The project is composed of 10 volumes that fluctuate in their dimensions between 8 meters long by a maximum diameter of 3.5 meters being these the largest and the smallest which are 4.0 meters long by 3.0 meters in diameter.
Photo Credit: Cristián Salineros F.